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Carvoeiro Pharmaa

Bioderma Atoderm Shower Oil 100ml tubo

Bioderma Atoderm Shower Oil 100ml tubo

Regular price €6,30 EUR
Regular price Sale price €6,30 EUR
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Óleo de duche, limpa suavemente a pele sensível seca, muito seca, irritada e sensível. Nutre intensamente a pele, reduz a sensação de repuxamento e protege de agressões externas. A sua patente Skin Barrier Therapy limita a adesão de algumas bactérias (Staphilococcus Aureus) à superfície da pele as quais podem agravar a secura da mesma. Muito boa tolerância cutânea e ocular. 

Shower oil gently cleanses dry, very dry, irritated and sensitive skin. Intensely nourishes the skin, reduces the feeling of tightness and protects it from external aggressions. Its Skin Barrier Therapy patent limits the adhesion of some bacteria (Staphylococcus Aureus) to the surface of the skin which can worsen the dryness of the same. Very good skin and eye tolerance.

Duschöl, reinigt sanft trockene, sehr trockene, gereizte und empfindliche Haut. Pflegt die Haut intensiv, reduziert das Spannungsgefühl und schützt sie vor äußeren Einflüssen. Sein Patent für die Hautbarrieretherapie begrenzt die Anhaftung einiger Bakterien (Staphylococcus Aureus) an der Hautoberfläche, die deren Trockenheit verschlimmern können. Sehr gute Haut- und Augenverträglichkeit.

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